Willow Class - Year 1 & 2
Meet the Willow Class Team
Fed Staff - Little Marlow 3 TA HLTA (ID 1051)
Mrs J DeneTeaching Assistant
Mrs J Dene
Mrs R FilmoreTeaching Assistant
Mrs R Filmore
Mrs T RandallTeaching Assistant
Mrs T Randall
Mrs E SykesTeaching Assistant
Mrs E Sykes
Useful Information
It is important for the children to come into school with a coat every day, regardless of the weather.
Please remember to label all of your child’s clothes, including PE/Outdoor Learning kit. Unnamed pieces of clothing with be taken to the lost property box outside the school office.
PE is on Monday afternoon. PE and Outdoor Learning kit should be in school across the week.
Fruit and vegetables are provided for snack at every morning breaktime. You do not need to provide one.
Homework is set on Tapestry every week on a Thursday. Work must be uploaded by the following Tuesday each week.
Learning Resources
Reading – please read everyday. Don’t forget to sign your yellow reading record and check for current targets.
It would be extremely helpful to practice phonics at home.
Please also keep up to date with the phonics support workshops on the Lesley Clarke Synthetic Phonics website, using the login details sent via school email.
Lesley Clarke Synthetic Phonics
Another useful site is Mr Thorne’s YouTube channel.
Here the children will be able to hear different sounds within different words.
Maths - Topmarks is a useful interactive site to practice mental arithmetic.
Social Media